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Quality Policy

Quality Policy

The Administrators of Leanfa Srl unipersonale have established the following strategic objectives, measurable and consistent with the quality policy, which shall be pursued through its Quality System Manual, in order to:

  • ensure compliance with and satisfaction of the customer’s requirements and the applicable mandatory ones, also evaluating any interested parties who may influence this compliance with the requirements, with continuous monitoring;
  • increase customer satisfaction and guarantee them the expected products and services;
  • address the risks and opportunities associated with the pre-established objectives and with the context of Leanfa;
  • demonstrate, also from a documentary point of view, compliance with the management system requirements;
  • maintain the effectiveness of the quality management system;
  • monitor and review the external and internal factors that can influence its quality management system;
  • optimize costs and improve internal efficiency;
  • increase presence on new markets and consolidate turnover on traditional markets;
  • formulate objectives for continuous improvement of quality performance;
  • comply with the requirements of the management system;
  • prepare and maintain the safety requirements inside the building for Leanfa goods and for external ones.

  • In order to pursue the aforementioned objectives, the Sole Administrator assumes the responsibility and authority of:
  • having a management system capable of pursuing the strategic objectives defined in this policy;
  • reporting in the annual Management Review the pursuit of the same objectives (including proposals for improvement), as well as
    promoting awareness of the customer’s requirements by Leanfa Srl unipersonale and delegates:

    - to the Quality Manager the responsibility and authority of:
    • drawing up company procedures;
    • carrying out internal audits;
    • reporting to the Sole Administrator on the progress of the Integrated System in the entry documents for the Management Review;
    • verifying the correct implementation of all the remaining tools of the self-control system (including proposals for improvement);

    - to the Department Managers the responsibility and authority of:
    • the application of the QMS for each competence area with the obligation of an annual report to the Sole Director on the progress of the quality in the area of its own pertinence (including improvement proposals) in the entry documents to the Management Review.

The entire structure is obliged to prepare annual quality programs and reports aimed at pursuing the strategic objectives of this quality policy.
To this end, it undertakes to make the necessary resources available and assumes the responsibility of making annual proposals regarding the need for resources.

LEANFA Srl unipersonale
Via C. A. Dalla Chiesa, 6
70037 Ruvo di Puglia (BARI) ITALY
Tel: +39(0)804042874

Shaping Energy Waves
LEANFA Srl unipersonale
Via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, 6
70037 Ruvo di Puglia (BARI)
Tel: +39 0804042874
Part.Iva / VAT 07638540729
Cap. Soc. € 30.000 I.V.
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